The U.S. National Science Foundation and iDigBio are required to collect information on use of digitized collections-based specimen data. Please help us meet this requirement every time you use this search portal. Sustainability of the national digitization effort depends on evidence of data use!
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This search page is reactive to input and will execute a search the moment you interact with the form inputs.
Full text searches across all data fields can be executed with the "search all fields" box at the top of the search form.
Check the Must have media and Must have map point checkboxes to only show records with media and/or mapping data respectively.
Use the field Filters tab to add exact match terms on a per field basis to your search. A filter can also be used to simply select the presence or absence of a field in a record with the Present and Missing checkboxes.
Use the Sorting tab to add multiple sort values to the search.
Use the Mapping tab to add geographic bounding coordinates to your search.
Use the Download tab to access your search history and to download the current search results.